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In many organizations, Accounting Systems represent a goldmine of data – with no mining tools.  We make accounting data accessible and visual.  This permits executives to unlock the information and gain insights by simply pointing and clicking.  They can instantly see sales or margin by any dimension – such as color, region, store, supplier, product line, etc.  - create associated 80/20 Analyses, and much more.

Bringing Accounting Data to Life

Most company acquisitions result in the need to produce consolidated financial statements.  Unfortunately, the result is usually quite generalized and high-level statements showing Revenue, Gross Margin, etc. - and of very little operational value.  We’ve worked with companies and developed tools to import data from each subsidiary’s accounting system and transform the data from all subsidiaries in as granular a form as possible, consolidating it all into dashboards. These allow company executives to instantly review key performance indicators (KPIs) like Gross Margin by Product by Subsidiary, Sales in descending order by product line, by Location, etc.  In addition, they can instantly perform dozens of 80/20 analyses on Customer Base, Suppliers, Sales Representatives, and more.

Consolidation of Financials from Different Accounting Systems
Extreme Forecasting

Working with various Entrepreneurs who are rolling-up businesses within their industry, we have crafted sophisticated and powerful dashboards to help them strategize the process.  We provided levers for important factors such as acquisition size, acquisition frequency, buyout structure, EBITDA multiples, and so forth.  These allow the entrepreneur to experiment with various scenarios and instantly see charts and tables representing cash flow, debt levels, valuations, enterprise EBITDA, and other metrics.​

Advertising & Marketing Dashboards

As the digital marketing age has hit full stride, the volume of data created from various marketing strategies has grown exponentially.  This has been further complicated by the numerous databases and applications that house a company's marketing data.  Our projects have combined, cleaned, and restructured marketing data from various data sources, which included Google Analytics, Revenue Data, etc.  We gave leaders of multi-location companies the ability to analyze their data across local, regional, national, and international landscapes for any time frame selected and for any media type.  With our dashboards, executives are able to quickly see what is working and what is not working across their organizations.

We’ve worked with Franchisors to provide a panoramic view of all franchisee operations.  These systems allow Executives to monitor, manage, and incentivize their franchisees in new and innovative ways.  Furthermore, they can use company dashboards to slice and dice performance by region, product type, area, etc.  This facilitates sharing best practices between franchisees – resulting in dramatic performance improvements.

Franchisor Data

Many executives have walked up to a podium with a meticulously prepared presentation, only to be tripped up by the “What about this?” question.  You try to think of the logical scenarios ahead of time, but you’re hit with something different.  With our dashboards, you simply say “Well, let’s see” and click the buttons accordingly.  One of our clients did this with a Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Dashboard, allowing him quickly to illustrate responses to any question, such as “What are our top 5 New European Product Initiatives by ROI?”  Another client uses a forecasting dashboard to meet with his Board of Directors to review his Business Plans for the next fiscal year. 

Nimble Presentations

Novel insights often come from combining data from disparate systems.  For example, combining marketing data from external sources, such as Google Analytics, with Call Center and Accounting data, allows our clients to correlate marketing campaigns with call volume, revenue, and Gross Margin.  This allows them to re-direct precious marketing dollars in order to maximize their returns.

Combining Data from Disparate Systems

Most businesses have repetitive processes that they perform primarily, if not exclusively, in Excel.  Some examples include:

  • Creating various monthly performance reports;

  • rolling up monthly forecasts;

  • calculating commissions

In many such cases, we can turn what had been hours or days of work into the press of a button.

Miscellaneous Excel Related Projects

Most projects require some clean up and restructuring of data.  We’ve developed tools to help us accomplish this very efficiently.  Consequently, we’ve done this for some of our clients even for otherwise unrelated projects.​

Data Cleansing
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